Monday, August 17, 2009


This weekend we were at the TAG USDAA trial and Miss Cheetah had 6 good Teeters.
(well 5 1/2...the last one of the weekend, was not called, but it was a little lighter than I would like.)

I guess buying a competition teeter for the house must have helped. I hope that doesn't mean that I have to buy a comp A-frame for the house to get my A-frame back on track...Hmmmm!!!

She actually did about half of her A-frames ok too....just not as good as I would like.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Check out the partial teeter montage!

Here is what I've been trying to work on since I last wrote in. I was attempting to make a video of all of the comp teeters that Cheetah has done in the last year. Well, I have them all clipped together, but my stupid movie maker program won't let me publish it. So I can't upload it - grrr! I was able to publish an older version that only had 12 trials worth of the 20 (actually it ended up being 22 trials) So at least you can get some idea of what is going on. The main part that is missing is the progression from Aug to Nov. last year. I now have a competition teeter at the house ( as of 2 weeks ago) and I have been playing with her on it, which of course she is FINE on! I will have to make a video of those teeters so you can see the difference.