Sunday, December 14, 2008

BRRR..MAD CO Trial 12 6 & 7, 2008

Last weekend we went to the MAD CO, USDAA Trail in Charlottesville, VA. It is inside ( if you call a freezing horse area inside) but after many years of trailling, you learn how to dress for just such an occasion. I had on 3 bottom layers which inlcluded polar fleece and lined windpants. 3 top layers + a coat, gloves, hot hands, Turtle fur ( like a big turtle neck - just the neck), and one of those ski head band/ear muff things.

Cheetah and Deva stayed in the van, where we used the principle of the greenhouse effect to our advantage. We covered both of there crates in one of those fuzzy velor-like blankets, so their heat would stay in their crates. I also had Cheetah's foggy mountain coat on. Every time we went back to the car to get them they were nice and toasty.

We had 11 runs over the weekend, because it was double games.

We Q'd in 8 of them getting 3 1sts, 3 2nds, a 3rd and a5th. We won the Grand Prix and got a bye to the second round of regionals, and we got a Super Q in snooker. It was a very good weekend for the girls ( Deva was 7 for 11 and also got several placements I can't remember right now, and a Super Q too!) The video from this trial is up!

Next....MADNESS Team Trial in Jessup, MD. (Christmas weekend!)

1 comment:

The Boys Mommy said...

I may not get all the terminology of the agility world, but it sounds like Cheetah did great:)