Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Timonium Trial Jan 2009

Cheetah and I just got back from a long weekend at the Oriole Trial in Timonium, MD. The days were long ( didn't get out of there until 7 any day) and there was a lot of hub bub going on. This trail has a pet expo going on in the rest of the building so we are sorta like a side show. Cheetah has never cared at all about any of that, but it is not a place I would want to debut a novice dog!

The flooring is this blue foamy stuff which seems to have plenty of cushion, but lacks traction. Cheetah tends to go really wide on turns on this flooring, because she just can't dig in the way she wants to, and lord knows she doesn't want to adjust! I need to cue collection and turns way...way earlier than I normally do, so the timing is very hard to get just right!

She didn't get any QQ's this weekend, but we did get 2 jumpers legs and 2 fast legs. Sunday's Fast course was right up her ally. a lateral send to the weaves, then taking the outer of two jumps.

She did several things that I am very pleased with:

  • She collected very nicely after the chute in the first fast class.
  • She stayed on the board on all other teeters execpt the first one, until it hit the ground ( she is so impatient!
  • She got all DW contacts.
  • Her A-frame contact in Sunday's fast was really nice.

Her a-frame contacts are still a work in progress, but at least she didn't leap off all of them, like the last time I attempted to do a running a-frame with her. I really need to get her to reach out to take the second stride on the a-frame. Right now she is doing the typical 3 strides in class and 2 in competition that Rachel speaks of in her video.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Melissa Frye said...

I thought th eflooring was rough too. Definitely not the place to start a green dog - so of course that's where I started the youngest one, but she was well prepared (and went 5 for 6, with the NQ being totally my fault.

I'd like to hear your continued experiences with Rachel's running contact method with a big dog.

Melissa and the cockers